Pocket Full of Change Ministries

This blog needed a name. Somehow, Divine Encounters While Living In a Hotel didn’t work. Besides, the Bible word for hotel is Inn. I asked Facebook friends for help. I narrowed 40 amazing suggestions to 7 and gave it back to Facebook for a vote. INNCounters, submitted by my best friend, Nancy Edwards, won by a landslide. Join the INNCounters God sends my way.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

INN Daily

By Cheryle M. Touchton
Director – Pocket Full of Change Ministries

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Rom 8:28 KJV

We live in a hotel. For purposes of this “INNCounters” blog, I will refer to it as an Inn and for now, I live in this “Inn Daily.”

You may be wondering why. When I tell people I live in an Inn, I get odd looks and questions. The story of why we live in an Inn is without the drama it takes to be interesting. It boils down to the fact that God and/or my beloved husband Bob didn’t like any of my other housing ideas. So here, I sit in two tiny rooms while four bedrooms of furniture and all my “stuff” collects dust in expensive storage units.

You may not feel sorry for me. Whining got me no sympathy. After all – the Inn is newly remodeled, serves 10 free meals a week, has a housekeeping service, my own (tiny) kitchen, an indoor pool, hot tub, and work out room. When I complained about the size of my living quarters, I was reminded it was bigger than a camper. When I discovered that it took the fun out of shopping with no room to put anything, I was told it would save money. My best friend Nancy reminded me I love adventure and claimed living in a hotel was an adventure. Many even went so far as to say that they would love to live in an Inn and have everything done for them. If that is true, why the odd looks and why aren’t they living in one as well? We all know the answer to that – houses are bigger, more efficient, and less expensive. People we love can visit. We have windows that look out across lawns manicured to our specifications. We can hang pictures of our family on the walls and bask in the comfort of furniture worn to the groves of our bodies and lifestyle. I confess that until recently, I wasn’t thrilled with living in an Inn. The words “rejoice in the Lord always” mocked me.

I did what I always do when I’m disappointed. I first tried to fix it. Next, I complained to God and trusted people. Then I accepted my circumstances and sought the promised “good” that was going to come from it. When I saw that “good,” I wanted to weep with joy. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t seen it before. My whining had blocked my vision.

My favorite scripture and life goal is to love God with my entire mind, heart, soul, and strength and to love my neighbor as myself. On the days I get close to that goal, I care about people – about their lives and eternities. I pray for those around me. I notice their expressions - the joy or pain. I wonder if they know my beloved Savior. I long to help them fill their spiritual pockets by assisting them in making one tiny “change” in the direction of an abundant walk with Jesus. I am the Director of Pocket Full of Change Ministries and I gleefully realized that God had handed me a “Daily” new mission field as people pass through the “Inn” where He has placed me.

I joyfully accept this call from God. God will orchestrate the “INNCounters” as I eat breakfast and dinner with strangers, do my devotions on a public patio, and visit the hot tub, pool, and work out room. I will share these “INNCounters” with you because if I don’t, my joy would explode and as the scripture says, the “rocks would have to cry out.” I invite your comments and prayers as you visit my “Inn Daily” with me.

For More Information About Pocket Full of Change Ministries
E-mail Cheryle
Visit Pocket Full of Change Ministries

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  1. Love the firdt INNCounters post. Don't know if it's just looking at it on my phone but the grey background with white lettering is very hard to read. Akso did not see a prompt to follow the blog.

  2. Better but still not the easiest color combo on the eyes. But so much better than the reverse combo. The light green on the light grey is not readable on my mobile.

  3. Neon green on light grey....the green on dark grwy is ok.
